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India’s Emerging Partnerships in EurasiaStrategies of New Regionalism【電子書籍】[ Dr. Nivedita Das Kundu ]

India’s Emerging Partnerships in EurasiaStrategies of New Regionalism【電子書籍】[ Dr. Nivedita Das Kundu ] India’s Emerging Partnerships in EurasiaStrategies of New Regionalism【電子書籍】[ Dr. Nivedita Das Kundu ] India’s Emerging Partnerships in EurasiaStrategies of New Regionalism【電子書籍】[ Dr. Nivedita Das Kundu ]

<p>The discourse on the emerging partnerships between India and the Eurasian States is framed under the label of new regionalism. This discourse has tended to explore the historical linkages, institutions, policies and economic relations that underpin such region-building approaches. This book attempts to focus on India’s ancient linkages, connectivity as well as the proximity with the states of the Eurasian region providing the regional perspective. This book also tries to describe and debate various aspects providing historical background, literary discourses and the present dynamics of the region. The objective of this Book is to focus on the significance of Eurasian states for India in the regional framework as well as in the context of international power politics and economics. It has been argued that the States of Eurasia are occupying a central place in the international and regional politics and is also a significant factor for connecting East with the West. This volume attempts to provide a meaningful and a critical contribution in comprehending the bilateral and multilateral relationship between India and the Eurasian states, focusing mainly on India's relations with Russia, Central Asia and South Caucasus region. This volume also looked into the possible energy cooperation, transport linkages and the security concerns emanating from the region. The key idea behind this book is to bring forth the insights, which helps in understanding the new geo-political reality and security dynamics of the region. The methodology used while writing this book was historical and analytical in nature, besides library research, the study is considerably based on field work; the study adopted various research tools, while compiling the data. Various Institutes working in these areas served as an important source of information for providing different perspectives, thus, making the study more objective and empirical. Though considerable quantitative data were gathered the essential thrust of the research was conducted through the qualitative technique.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • レビュー件数:0件
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